sábado, 22 de noviembre de 2008

Parks, squares, and sightseeing

View of the Bolívar Square with the statue dedicated to the Libertador and the cathedral in the background
Mérida is famous nationwide for its great number of parks and squares, providing its inhabitants with access to nature. There are, at least, a dozen squares and two dozen parks, some of which are described below.

Botanical Garden of Merida
In the city of Merida, on the road to the area called "witch", is the Botanical Garden of Merida, an interesting place to visit. Like any botanical garden, offers a large collection of vegetation. But this garden also has an activity that is causing a furor, not only in Merida, but in several parks in the world: The escalation of trees

The Alero
The Alero is the first theme park that took the city. It is a typical Andean village, where visitors can see what life was like earlier in the Andean peoples. The organization is impeccable and is a place that is enjoyed much power to be involved in the various activities being carried out.

La Venezuela de Antier
The second theme park is the "anti Venezuela," where one is transported to the 20s, when Juan Vicente Gómez, ruled Venezuela. Is an interesting and very entertaining for all ages.

On the way to Jají from Merida City, is one of the theme parks in Merida: "The Anti Venezuela." The theme of this park is the Venezuela of the 20s when the then ruling meritorious Juan Vicente Gómez. The tour begins at the main station (where the parking lot.) Bought the tickets and takes some of the old trams Caracas to reach the park.

The mountain of dreams
After the success of the two other theme parks, its creator, Alexis Montilla, again repeating a great success with the history of the media in Venezuela. It is a place where he has a chance to be the protagonist. It is located 40 minutes from the city of Merida, in the town of Chiguará

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