sábado, 22 de noviembre de 2008

Top 5

5* Pineapple Soup The removal of the pineapple broth. It gets to boil a bottle of water with lemon rind and sugar. Dissolve two tablespoons of stock sago in the pineapple, and stir everything leaving it boil. He adds raisins before serving.

4* Chunguete
Peas are toast until golden brown, milled, loom and this flour is dissolved in broth, giving the bulk of chicha. He adds stew ground and starts to boil, meneándolo, he misses more broth until it is a good temper.

3* Lomo to Ron
Cut the pork tenderloin into slices. Becomes a source with parsley, lemon slices, salt, black pepper and rum. Puyana is to soak the slices soto well, turning frequently. At the time is taken out, is polvorea with cake and fry.

2* Caspiroleta
Syrup is made with a pound of sugar and given the point of the leaves. Beat yolks then 16, put in the cold syrup and mix. Get back to the fire, while moving up off the paila. Retires from the fire, is to bat and empty bleach on a tray. If we want the bizcochuelo filling soaked in wine and sweet syrup

1* Cream Soursop
After boiled and sweetened a bottle of milk, he put four egg yolks beaten and left to fire until it boils. Allow to cool. When you're cold, you put four glasses of soursop and pouring brandry to taste.

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